

English is your default language initially.

Add a new language

To add a new language you go to Settings and Languages. If you click the top right corner that says "Add New Language +", you can add other languages to be visible in your Experiences. As soon as you add another language to your settings, you will find the option of translating titles and descriptions whenever you create Products, Sections and Content Blocks. 

Changing your default language

To change your default language you go to Settings and Languages. You see English as a default language already added to your setting, but you can choose your desired default language from the dropdown list. 



English is your default language initially.

Add a new language

To add a new language you go to Settings and Languages. If you click the top right corner that says "Add New Language +", you can add other languages to be visible in your Experiences. As soon as you add another language to your settings, you will find the option of translating titles and descriptions whenever you create Products, Sections and Content Blocks. 

Changing your default language

To change your default language you go to Settings and Languages. You see English as a default language already added to your setting, but you can choose your desired default language from the dropdown list. 



English is your default language initially.

Add a new language

To add a new language you go to Settings and Languages. If you click the top right corner that says "Add New Language +", you can add other languages to be visible in your Experiences. As soon as you add another language to your settings, you will find the option of translating titles and descriptions whenever you create Products, Sections and Content Blocks. 

Changing your default language

To change your default language you go to Settings and Languages. You see English as a default language already added to your setting, but you can choose your desired default language from the dropdown list. 

© 2024 Glaze the world ehf.

© 2024 Glaze the world ehf.

© 2024 Glaze the world ehf.