
Opening Hours

Different levels

Opening hours are defined at three different levels:

  • Organization level
    Your general opening hours unless otherwise specified by experience or section. 
    Hours at this level are set in Settings

  • Experience level
    You can set special opening hours for each guest experience in Experience Builder -> Configuration -> Opening hours.

  • Section level
    Opening hours for individual sections within a guest experience.
    Opening hours at this level are set in Experience Builder -> Configuration -> Sections.

Opening hours resolved

For better understanding of this functionality it's good to understand how the opening hours of a section is resolved:

  • Step 1 - Does section have opening hours?

    • Yes: Apply opening hours defined for section

    • No: Go to Step 2

  • Step 2 - Does the experience that the section belongs to have opening hours?

    • Yes: Apply opening hours of the experience to the section

    • No: Go to Step 3

  • Step 3 - Does Organization have opening hours defined?

    • Yes: Apply opening hours of Organization to section

    • No: Apply Always open to section

Example Scenario

Assume you are running a hotel with room service, restaurant and a bar.

You have 2 different experiences:

  • One for Room Service with only one section

  • One for Restaurant and Bar with 4 sections:

    • Lunch menu

    • Dinner menu

    • Bar

    • Happy hour

You have not set opening hours for Organization, Room Service experience nor the only section in Room Service experience.

With these settings the Room Service experience is always open.

  • You set the opening hours for Restaurant and Bar experience to   10:00 - 23:00

  • You set the opening ours for Lunch menu section to             10:00 - 14:00

  • You set the opening ours for Dinner menu section to            18:00 - 22:00

  • You set the opening hours for Happy hour section to            18:00 - 19:00

  • You do not set opening hours for Bar section.

With this setup the opening hours for Restaurant and Bar experience are as follows:

-> Bar is open from 10:00-23:00 (inherits opening hours from Experience Configuration)
-> Lunch is open from 10:00-14:00 (as defined in section)
-> Dinner is open from 18:00-22:00 (as defined in section)
-> Happy our is between 18:00-1900 (as defined in section)


Opening Hours

Different levels

Opening hours are defined at three different levels:

  • Organization level
    Your general opening hours unless otherwise specified by experience or section. 
    Hours at this level are set in Settings

  • Experience level
    You can set special opening hours for each guest experience in Experience Builder -> Configuration -> Opening hours.

  • Section level
    Opening hours for individual sections within a guest experience.
    Opening hours at this level are set in Experience Builder -> Configuration -> Sections.

Opening hours resolved

For better understanding of this functionality it's good to understand how the opening hours of a section is resolved:

  • Step 1 - Does section have opening hours?

    • Yes: Apply opening hours defined for section

    • No: Go to Step 2

  • Step 2 - Does the experience that the section belongs to have opening hours?

    • Yes: Apply opening hours of the experience to the section

    • No: Go to Step 3

  • Step 3 - Does Organization have opening hours defined?

    • Yes: Apply opening hours of Organization to section

    • No: Apply Always open to section

Example Scenario

Assume you are running a hotel with room service, restaurant and a bar.

You have 2 different experiences:

  • One for Room Service with only one section

  • One for Restaurant and Bar with 4 sections:

    • Lunch menu

    • Dinner menu

    • Bar

    • Happy hour

You have not set opening hours for Organization, Room Service experience nor the only section in Room Service experience.

With these settings the Room Service experience is always open.

  • You set the opening hours for Restaurant and Bar experience to   10:00 - 23:00

  • You set the opening ours for Lunch menu section to             10:00 - 14:00

  • You set the opening ours for Dinner menu section to            18:00 - 22:00

  • You set the opening hours for Happy hour section to            18:00 - 19:00

  • You do not set opening hours for Bar section.

With this setup the opening hours for Restaurant and Bar experience are as follows:

-> Bar is open from 10:00-23:00 (inherits opening hours from Experience Configuration)
-> Lunch is open from 10:00-14:00 (as defined in section)
-> Dinner is open from 18:00-22:00 (as defined in section)
-> Happy our is between 18:00-1900 (as defined in section)


Opening Hours

Different levels

Opening hours are defined at three different levels:

  • Organization level
    Your general opening hours unless otherwise specified by experience or section. 
    Hours at this level are set in Settings

  • Experience level
    You can set special opening hours for each guest experience in Experience Builder -> Configuration -> Opening hours.

  • Section level
    Opening hours for individual sections within a guest experience.
    Opening hours at this level are set in Experience Builder -> Configuration -> Sections.

Opening hours resolved

For better understanding of this functionality it's good to understand how the opening hours of a section is resolved:

  • Step 1 - Does section have opening hours?

    • Yes: Apply opening hours defined for section

    • No: Go to Step 2

  • Step 2 - Does the experience that the section belongs to have opening hours?

    • Yes: Apply opening hours of the experience to the section

    • No: Go to Step 3

  • Step 3 - Does Organization have opening hours defined?

    • Yes: Apply opening hours of Organization to section

    • No: Apply Always open to section

Example Scenario

Assume you are running a hotel with room service, restaurant and a bar.

You have 2 different experiences:

  • One for Room Service with only one section

  • One for Restaurant and Bar with 4 sections:

    • Lunch menu

    • Dinner menu

    • Bar

    • Happy hour

You have not set opening hours for Organization, Room Service experience nor the only section in Room Service experience.

With these settings the Room Service experience is always open.

  • You set the opening hours for Restaurant and Bar experience to   10:00 - 23:00

  • You set the opening ours for Lunch menu section to             10:00 - 14:00

  • You set the opening ours for Dinner menu section to            18:00 - 22:00

  • You set the opening hours for Happy hour section to            18:00 - 19:00

  • You do not set opening hours for Bar section.

With this setup the opening hours for Restaurant and Bar experience are as follows:

-> Bar is open from 10:00-23:00 (inherits opening hours from Experience Configuration)
-> Lunch is open from 10:00-14:00 (as defined in section)
-> Dinner is open from 18:00-22:00 (as defined in section)
-> Happy our is between 18:00-1900 (as defined in section)

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